That’s All Folks! is the second chapter in a trilogy that combines dance, science, and myth. While its predecessor, Un Discreto Protagonista, dealt with the origin of the universe, and the physical and astronomical processes involved, That’s All Folks! explores the relationship between man and the cosmos with a quartet of international performers consisting of Damiano Ottavio Bigi, Ching-Ying Chien, Issue Park, and Faith Prendergast. Premiered at Equilibrio Festival 2024, That’s All Folks! is inspired by the concept of event horizon, an imaginary boundary beyond which one cannot see, and everything collapses into an infinitely dense expanse. The performance then becomes a deliberation on the nature of time, movement, and instability in a place where there is no longer a central axis or perspective, but where everything changes depending on where one looks.
Disclaimer: This performance contains instances of nudity. Viewer discretion is advised.