Our Venues
Spread across a patch of Panaji skirting the river Mandovi, the Festival locations have been strategically chosen for their historical value, natural beauty, and affinity to the arts. The initiatives undertaken by the Festival are set to transform these venues into spaces where audiences from all walks of life can experience the wonder of the arts in new and exciting contexts—an endeavour that will turn the Mandovi waterfront into a hub of cultural activity. With its close-knit networks and practical commute options, Serendipity Arts Festival promises to be accessible to all.

Azad Maidan

Caranzalem Beach

Directorate Of Accounts
Dating back to the 1500s, the Accounts Building has seen many a visions and versions of Goa.
With its wide verandah, a grand colonnade, and secret tunnels, SAF is excited to bring this venue alive with a range of exhibitions.
At SAF 2024, the Accounts Building will be a visual art and craft hub. The building will host a variety of exhibitions realised through collaborations with international partners like Centre national des arts plastiques (CNAP) and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA).
Sub Venues
- Control Room
- Craft Workshop Room
- The Studio

ESG Building
Sub Venues
- Auditorium
- Preview Room

Kala Academy
Sub Venues
- AI Minilab
- Rehearsal Room
- The Foundry
- The Quad
- Dinanath Mangeshkar Kala Mandir
- The Art Gallery
- Parking Lot

Mala Pump House

Samba Square

Santa Monica Jetty

The Arena At Nagalli Hills Ground
Sub Venues
- Alternative Stage
- Main Stage

The Art Park

The Excise Building

The Old GMC Complex
Sub Venues
- Food Matters
- The Old GMC Building
- The Theatre
- The Food Lab
- The Food Lab Courtyard
- Access Lab
- The Courtyard