In Tokyo, the bustling heart of Japan, choreographer Yuuki Aoki explores the essence of humanity often lost in the convenience and materialism of urban life. In 2005, he founded the dance group Newcomer“H” Sokerissa! with individuals who have experienced homelessness, performing in unconventional outdoor environments. Through these performances, Aoki raises questions about the bodies that inhabit the city and challenges the societal norms surrounding them.
Wandering in a city that privileges those with money and exposesthem to the gaze of others, the homeless exist as an"outsider-stranger" who do not conform to the rules of the city.
In Goa, which has a culture and environment vastly different from Tokyo, their bodies will be perceived as"strangers" in a new context. As they continue to undulate in an effort to blend into the surroundings, the boundaries between their presence and that of the audience gradually dissolve. Ultimately, everyone will come to share the space as strangers. This aims to reveal the potential for bodies free from domination and highlight the transformative power of dance.
Directed by:
Yuuki Aoki
Newcomer“H” Sokerissa!(Tokuchika Nishi, Koji Yamashita, Joe Takada, Yuuki Aoki)
Set Design:
Nao Nishihara
Yuuki Aoki
Reisaburo Adachi
Sound Designer:
Noriaki Coda
Stage Manager:
Hisashi Mitsu
Meitei Yamada, Yuki Kosuge
Yurika Kuremiya
Supported by:
The Japan Foundation
In cooperation with The Big Issue Japan Foundation