An audio-visual installation made up of figures engaged in work and production from contemporary society, images of groups engaged in the everyday, but also of singular figures who inhabit and dream their city of Saint-Nazaire through their bodies and their history.
In collaboration with CNAP
Supported by the French Institute in India
Nous venons de trop loin pour oublier qui nous sommes / We’ve come too far to forget who we are Portrait of the city of Saint-Nazaire (2019-2020)
Conception and Realisation: Emmanuelle Huynh & Jocelyn Cottencin
Images and editing: Jocelyn Cottencin
Soundtrack: Jocelyn Cottencin
With the music: New Space Music by Bryan Eno
Oren Ambarchi & Will Gutrie in live at Boiler Room / St John Session,
Gathering Storm by Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Performance with: Emmanuelle Huynh and Jocelyn Cottencin.
Technical Director: Maël Teillant
Administration and Development: Amelia Serrano
Producer, Tour Manager and Communication: Elodie Richard
Production: Plateforme Múa
Co-production: Jocelyn Cottencin Studio | Le Grand Café - Contemporary Art Centre of National Interest in Saint-Nazaire / off-site programming at LiFE (installation & performances) | Théâtre de Nîmes
Partners: Research Chair of Canada in sound dramaturgy in theatre of the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi (Canada) | Athenor – CNCM de Saint-Nazaire
Co-realisation of the performances in Saint-Nazaire: Le Théâtre - scène nationale de Saint Nazaire | Athenor – CNCM de Saint-Nazaire.
With the support of Région Pays-de-la-Loire for "aide à la création".
Plateforme Múa is supported by Etat – Direction régionale des affaires culturelles (DRAC) des Pays de la Loire, by Département de Loire-Atlantique and Ville de Saint-Nazaire
Emmanuelle Huynh and Jocelyn Cottencin warmly thank all the partners and participants thanks to which this project was able to visit:
Sophie Legrandjacques, Franck Bertrand, Hélène Annereau-Barnay, Antoine Pestel,
Eric Gouret, Myriam Devezeaud and all the team of Grand Café - Contemporary Art Centre of National Interest.
Béatrice Hanin, Cécile Corbera, Clémence Jannot, Angèle Kurczewski and all the team of Le Théâtre - Scène Nationale de Saint-Nazaire.
Brigitte Lallier-Maisonneuve, Christophe Havard, Michel Hubert, Catherine Musseau, Eric Sneed and all the team of Athenor.
CNCM of Saint-Nazaire, François Noël and all the team of Théâtre de Nîmes.
Jean- Jacques Lumeau, Joël Batteux, David Samzun and La Ville de Saint-Nazaire.
le Département Loire-Atlantique, la Région Pays-de-la-Loire, l’Etat – Direction régionale des affaires culturelles (DRAC), Jean-Paul Quéinnec, Karine Ledoyen, François Harvey, Edouard Germain, Pierre Tremblay-Thériault, Andrée-Anne Guiguère and the Research Chair of Canada in sound dramaturgy in theatre of the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi (Canada).
Les Chantiers de l’Atlantique: Patrick Pirrat, Béatrice Gouriou, Isabelle Huyghe, Philippe Kasse, Laurent Castaing, Vianney Casalta, Anthony Tartoué, Jean-François Vertongen, Estelle Kiesel, Karine Grasset, Mikael Morand, Abderrahim Lashinia, Nicolas Decordes, Mohammad Zeroual, Freddy Ameline, Nouhi Lachen, Michel Babilaere, Jean-Michel Belliot, Anthony Maze, Stéphane Desdlandes, Grégory Béaur, François Coleno, Mikael Havez.
Les Pilotes de la Loire: Stéphane Pousset, Yannick David, Damien Lemoign, Fredéric Quiniou, Guillaume Dalmard, William Gouton, Altitude 44: Antony D’Ovideo, Regis Tanguy, Grégory Béaur, François Coleno, Paquebot le Ville de Bordeaux: Thomas Gheerbrant.
Airbus: Marie Ronco, Claire Nicolae, Antony Peignit, Pascal Dupuys.
La Petite Pièce: Vanessa Leprince et les danseur.se.s de la Cellule Chorégraphique, Les abeilles: Laetitia Cordier, James Titren.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Nantes : Christian Dautel, les étudiant.e.s du DPAE Scénographie 2017 et 2018, Hippolyte Gilabert, Loïc Touzé.
Les Ghetto Twins : Aristide Shema et Freddy Sheja.
Les Black Sisters: Fleur et Lilly Drouilleau, Laure et Suzie Girard.
Emmanuelle Bizeul, the teaching team and the students from the school Marie Curie at Trignac.
The teaching team and the students from the schools Michelet and Chedid at Saint-Nazaire, Jean-Noël Even, Elvira Martinez Sanchez, Maude Mandart, Hugo Bréheret, Mikaël Schléret - members of the educative of the experimental highschool of Saint-Nazaire who participated at the project.
Marine Poncet then at the administration of Plateforme Múa, Maël Teillant, Matthieu Doze, Gilles Amalvi, Jean-Marie Blin, Adeline Champ, Ollivier Moreels, Carole Rivalin, Nadine Varoutsikos, Dorothée Lorang, David Beautru.
And Jean-Marc Prevost, Delphine Verrieres-Gaultier and all the team of Carré d’Art – Museum of Contemporary Art of Nîmes for supported the work of Emmanuelle Huynh and Jocelyn Cottencin and for having presented the exhibition De vertical, devenir horizontal, étale.
and the Estuary, the Wind, the Clouds and the Vegetation of Saint-Nazaire and Trignac.
Extended Programming:
Date: December 16
Time: 7PM-8:30PM
Nous venons de trop loin pour oublier qui nous sommes
Performance by Emmanuelle Huynh and Jocelyn Cottencin