Theatre practice is undeniably a social practice and a critical expression which delves into the dark alleys of a society. A practitioner cannot isolate from the social tensions that is prevalent in the currents of time and space. In a way, theatre reads the pulse and navigates through the currents and countercurrents of the social processes.
In theatre making, the process of improvisation enables one to find the truth that is hidden in the inmost reaches of their hearts, which has been kept suppressed for a very long time. Improvisation, which is part of theatre making process, is in a way an alternative means for self-discovery and self-expression.
At the end of the workshop a performance based on the experiences shared together by the participants during the workshop will be materialised.
Facilitated by:
Heisnam Tomba Singh
Pangambam Tyson Meitei
Ahanthem Upendro Mangang (Music associate)
Guru Koken Sharma (Music Assistant)Huidrom
Holina Devi (Music Assistant)
Lanchingba Laishram (Music Assistant)
Dr. Usham Rojio (Music Assistant)